On-Site With Clients Becky Linot On-Site With Clients Becky Linot

[Video] 3 rules for organizing someone else's stuff (without ticking them off)

Though the vast amount of my time spent organizing is side by side with the client, there is the occasional situation where I find myself sorting solo if a client simply can’t be with me throughout the entire process. There are also the cases where we are sorting the items and papers of a client’s loved one without them being present.

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Productivity, On-Site With Clients Becky Linot Productivity, On-Site With Clients Becky Linot

How to get it all out of your head (and onto the wall)!

When a client feels utterly overwhelmed by all they have to do, they're usually holding too much in their heads. Their days are full of "Oh sh*t! I also have to ____!" moments. When I walk into this, I love to help them to literally see all they have to do. Instead of it overwhelming them even more, they are always relieved to get it all out in the open.

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