Ask yourself this one question when decluttering clothing.
Gretchen Rubin, author of Outer Order, Inner calm: Declutter and Organize to Make More Room for Happiness, was recently interviewed on Good Morning America. It’s a short interview that barely scratches the surface of her new book (of which I’ve only started), but there is a very helpful self-interview question in the accompanying article. On wether or not to keep a piece of clothing Rubin says:
"'If I were walking down the street and I ran into my ex wearing this particular item, would I be glad that I was wearing it? Or would I wish that I were not wearing it?’ And if you are not happy that that's what you'd be wearing to confront your ex, it's probably time to donate it.”
I know this bit of novel advice will certainly help me to let go of a few more items! How will it help you? Please share in the comments. Click here to watch Rubin’s GMA interview.