Download the free PDF & video series. 


Is this how you’ve been trying to get organized?

When organizing, do you second-guess yourself and start in too many places?

Do you take the experts’ advice only to get frustrated that it doesn’t work for you?

Are you good at starting in a million places, only to not finish any of your organizing projects?

Is every cluttered corner screaming at you, making it hard to see the priorities?

You’re not alone! Many of my clients had exactly these struggles before working with me. I noticed over the years that I relied on the same set of questions to help people hear their inner guidance to discover what worked for them to create lasting order and banish the clutter for good. 


 That’s why I created Custom Order, a free guide to finding your own unique path through the clutter.

Break through and get organized with a 10-part video series & PDF guide.

 Use the top 10 questions Kacy asks her organizing clients to get crystal clear on how to move forward and finish that project. She walks you through each question as if you were side-by-side organizing together!

 Download the free PDF & video series.