Do this when donating something of great meaning and sentiment

On YouTube, my video Minimalism Tutorial 4: The Sweater With Sentimental Value has a reply by someone who was struggling to donate some very sentimental Irish wool sweaters. As I was writing my reply to her, I had a new idea on how to more easily let go of this type of thing. See bolded section:

Tynter, I feel your pain and know exactly the sweaters you are talking about. I have a super thick Icelandic wool sweater that my parents brought back from Iceland for me many years ago that I've never worn and takes up so much real estate. The thought of donating it feels impossible. I'm confessing here, so I don't know if this is helpful! I'd love to know that it's going to someone who will wear and appreciate it. Maybe try selling on eBay (for a reasonable price so it moves) and with it enclose a short, meaningful note to the new owner about it's history and meaning? If I were buying something used on eBay that would be such a touching and welcome gesture. I should take my own advice here! Please let me know if that is helpful.

Since then, I’ve done this. In a later video, Minimalism Tutorial 35: The Handmade Gloves, I pinned little handwritten tags onto some loved, but used gloves that read “Handmade in Estonia.” Then, I took them to the thrift store. Yes, it was still a bit painful, but the hope that the appreciation for the quality and provenance of the gloves would convey to the next owner was what allowed me to finally let go.

Can you think of any sentimental items that you are almost ready to let go of? Would attaching a note with some detail help you to make that final decision? Please share in the comments here.


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