How I used Evernote this week to clip an interior design article

Do you keep magazines just because they have one good article?  If not, do you tear out articles or design pages only to have an "articles to read" or "design articles" folder?  Or worse, do these articles pile up in all corners of your bag, office, and home?  I avoid this with Evernote.  Last week I saw a stunning home in Architectural Digest that I just had to share with a friend.  I pdf'd it with my phone via Genius Scan (though I could have just as easily jpeg'd it with the Evernote app), saved it to Evernote, sent it to my friend, and ditched the magazine.  Next time my friend and I need (and I don't use the word "need" lightly) I can just look it up in Evernote, rending the colorful page much more useful than if they were stuffed in a bag. View the very colorful note here.


I'm speaking at the Mid Atlantic Regional Conference for Professional Organizers on October 24


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