Use This Old Fashioned Technique to Track Your Healthy Habits
I’ve experimented quite successfully with habit tracker apps in the past such as Good Habits, then drifted away from them either because I just couldn’t get on board (lights out by 11pm) or the habit became so ingrained that I no longer needed to track it (meditation). As of January 1st, I seem to be making good use of an old fashioned paper calendar to track workouts. Nic and I have been continually working out with more regularity for at least the last year, but around the 1st he mentioned it would be nice to “get on a point system” to get us into the gym even more. I immediately visualized this exact calendar. We simply put a “K” or “N” down on the days we work out. It keeps us honest, and keeps us even! If he’s a workout ahead of me, I get an extra one in, and vice versa.
Here’s why I love it:
It’s highly visible on the fridge.
it’s a little bit public so I’d feel lazy if a friend came over and saw no “K”s for a week.
it’s the only use for this calendar (uncluttered with other commitments).
It allows some friendly competition between Nic and me.
it couldn’t be simpler to use.
You could use a printed calendar for so many habits, office organizing or otherwise. Imagine putting down a symbol for each day you cleared your desk, opened all of your mail, met a writing goal, or ate five servings of veggies. Life’s too complicated, so I recommend ONE habit per calendar. If you’re adverse to app-ing your way through life or are just all tech’d out, try it.
I’m not committed to doing this forever, or even for the entire year. I commit to being stronger with age, and as long as this is the best way to see and feel my progress, I’ll do it.
The best printable calendars I found were on
What would you like to track with a paper calendar? Please share in the comments!