Minimalism Tutorial Series - Pretty Office Supplies

As the famous William Morris quote goes, “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” In the office, both must apply.  That is why I finally donated a beautiful, stainless steel, German-crafted notepad that had been largely unused for years.  It’s undeniably beautiful (to those of us who appreciate modern industrial design).  But is it functional?  This is where many of my clients (and sometimes, I) get hung up.  

If you aren’t using it, never have, and likely never will, it’s not functional.  For years I crafted scenarios in my head of when I might use it, but those scenarios never happened.  A better question to ask is always, is it functional for me? Functional one day, or functional for someone I want to be, or functional for someone else is the wrong answer.

Do you have anything that you wish were functional, but simply isn’t?  Watch the video below and share in the comments! Click here to watch the entire Minimalism series.


How I used Evernote this week to keep a mini digital scrapbook


The fate of your newspaper collection