Please share: What is the one thing you should throw out?
Love him or hate him, I’m a rabid devotee of author, entrepreneur, investor, seeker, Tim Ferriss. His is my desert island podcast, which is why it was fun to listen to Tim being interviewed by Stephen Dubner on his Freakonomics radio show. To listen to a masterful interviewer is to ask oneself, “why haven’t I ever asked that question?” He asked this of Tim, and I’d like you to answer it too:
"What is the one thing you have that you should throw out,
but probably never will?"
I ask simply because I’m endlessly curious about the relationship between people and their possessions - not as an underhanded way to get you to let go of something beloved! To understand our relationship to anything or anyone is to understand ourselves.
Please listen to the interview here and share your answer in the comments!