The Storage Unit of My Dreams: How I Store My Office Supplies
As a professed furniture snob, I’ve been known to literally dream about furniture. One recent dream was about discovering an old Eames Aluminum Management chair with a missing arm and torn upholstery in a sketchy old farmhouse. I was weighing the pros and cons of restoring the mid-century beauty when I woke to my Eames chair-less existence. A few years ago when I was looking for the perfect storage piece, I had a dream about a modular storage unit called “Cubitec.” I had been considering adding a piece to my dining room that could hold an overflow of some office supplies. Nothing (stylish) was coming to mind until the vision came to me in a dream. Apparently nothing gets me out of bed faster than the burning desire to measure a wall for a new piece of furniture! It was a perfect fit and I clicked “order.” The furniture gods had indeed sent me a perfect fit, as you can see here.
A single unit comes with 12 panels. This configuration took two units plus eight doors. I’m not going to lie, it almost takes a rocket scientist with the patience of a saint to put assemble the thing. I’m pretty patient, but I took algebra three times. So, if I can do it, you can too.
Click here for details on purchasing your own Cubitec.
Since I can’t exactly tell you to dream up your perfect storage solution, just take inventory of what doesn’t fit but must stay. Visually or physically cluster these items so you know exactly what size unit to shop for. It is usually much smaller or larger than you imagined.