Tim Ferriss’ podcast interview with Marie Kondo

I don’t live and die by Marie Kondo’s word, and actually rarely prescribe her method to my clients, but I’m a huge fan. I love that her name has become a verb and that she’s layered the world with a fresh awareness of the impact of things on our spirit and mood.  Notorious for never finishing books, hers The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is no exception for me; I’m only about 70% through.  I thought the “spark joy” concept landed for me, but now realize it hadn’t until I listed to her interview in Japanese (with a translator) on Tim Ferriss’ podcast.  There was something about hearing her voice for the first time that drove this, and many other tenants of her book, home.  I hope you’ll listen.

Click here to hear Tim Ferriss’ interview with Marie Kondo.


Micro book review of “Goodbye, things”


The world would be a better place if we all _________.