Work at a dining table? Manage the paper with an office in a box
The quarantine has turned so many of us into work-at-homers; that might mean you’re working at the dining table. Now more than ever, the detritus of life that commonly lands on a desk lands on the table - and stays there. It can be hard to switch back and forth, fully un-officing the table every evening.
When Covid-19 hit, we had just started a bathroom renovation. I have always worked at my dining table, but in March, my “office” was continually covered in dust. Papers, notes and folders were hard for even this office organizer to manage. Before it got out of hand though, I grabbed a portfolio box to throw everything into. It has worked so well that it’s become a permanent fixture - one that helps me to 100% clear the dining table every single evening.
Even if you work in a proper office, an office in a box might work for you. Learn more at the video below, and leave a comment if you have suggestions for managing paper at a dining table desk!