Video: 5 Ways to Organize Your Office in the New Year

[youtube_sc url=""] To make a long story short: Click through to the video to hear how I build a case for doing the following: 1. List ten things you'll do once you're organized. 2. Do the mega-purge. 3. Create a 2015 series of file folders. 4. Group like with like. 5. Delegate one place for receipts.

Which one of these tips do you find most helpful?  Which sounds most difficult?  What are some of the things you'll do once you're organized?  Please share in comments!

7 Day Inspired Office Challenge

Decide this week that you're going to start organizing your office.  I can't tell you how long it's going take, but start with step one and then move onto the next easiest step.  Do whatever it takes so that one year from now your office doesn't look exactly the same, or worse!


Office Organizing Expert Kacy Paide loves to do what most people hate: organize offices & paper.  She works with folks who are desperate for a more functional, more beautiful, more inspiring office.  Kacy has been a Professional Organizer since 2001 and has worked with over 500 clients. Call her crazy, but she loves a good mess. Based in Silver Spring, MD, Kacy is nationally available for consulting & speaking. Reach her at 202.262.1207 and  Watch video lessons on office organizing here.  Receive your free list of 100 Ways to Organize Your Office at



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7 things I learned about organizing in 2014