How long would you wait in line to purchase that (again)?

Fellow Organizer Amanda Jefferson in Philadelphia recently wrote a blog post that I immediately wanted to share with you (and add to my arsenal of questions I ask my clients). In Would you wait in line 30 minutes for that?, Amanda says:

“That question is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE question to teach people who are trying to buy less. It often quickly short-circuits that natural knee-jerk reaction to ‘treat ourselves.’ “

I’ll add that you can also ask yourself this when decluttering. You may have heard that if you wouldn’t buy it today, then don’t keep it. The 30 minutes question helps to make this an even easier question to answer.

Amanda trained under Marie Kondo to become a certified KonMari consultant and teacher of the method. If you’re in the Philly area and would like to work with Amanda, check her out at


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