New before and after video!

It’s been a while since I posted a video but I’m back with what is already one of my favorites. It’s my first before and after video! My personal favorite videos are the ones shot on-site in clients' homes and offices. This one was filmed in Houston, TX by my client as we just triumphed over her kitchen table that had been covered in paper for years. You’ll see the before pictures in here too.

It took us two trips and more than a couple of days to address each and every thing on the table, but we did it. Yes, most was trash and shredding, but we had to create a system for everything she kept. It’s still a work in progress, but I’ll share with you the simple system that we used to put out the immediate fire of “Now where do I put it so I can find it again?” It was one of my most satisfying projects to date and so much more than meets the eye. It’s a seemingly superficial problem that is anything but. This weighed on her in countless ways, eventually keeping her from inviting friends over. Before/after pictures wouldn’t have done it justice. You need the full story!

I’m positive many of you can relate to her challenging kitchen table. The table started to collect some notes and receipts, then, a few months later there was a bit more, and a few years later she felt paralyzed by the piles. She surrendered to an organizer from DC that she found on YouTube and - voila! If she can do take the first step, so can you. Live outside of the DC area and have questions about working with me in-person? Click here for details.

Please watch How we cleared a kitchen table buried in paper and leave a comment!


Why a 2nd desk won’t solve your problems


What I’ve been organizing lately - receipts, receipts, and receipts