What I’ve been organizing lately - receipts, receipts, and receipts

If you ever spend your spare time wondering “Hmm, I wonder what Kacy Paide is doing right now,” hold this picture in your head.  When in doubt, I’m sorting receipts. 

This photo isn’t to indict any particular client because her pile of receipts could belong to pretty much any of my clients.  In this case, the pile is one we created for the recycling bin as we sorted and reconciled receipts she had been hanging onto for about two years.  They actually looked halfway organized as she had them stashed in a small box, but they were all in purgatory waiting for a day of reckoning that never came.

I share this to make you feel better about your receipts on the floor, receipts in plastic bags in the closet, receipts in your car, receipts stuffed into a folder waiting for you to get to them, or wherever your receipts may be.  The reason why I haven’t done a post on “How to organize receipts” is because I’d want to do it justice and each time I solve the receipt riddle, I do it differently.  If it’s any solace though, you are not alone!

Can you relate?  Where is your pile of receipts?  What percentage of them do you expect to be trash on their day of reckoning?  Please share in the comments!


New before and after video!


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