Ritalin for your ears


Did you know that (according to Noisli.com) the wrong sound environment makes you 66% less productive?  That’s why I’ve pulled together this list of resources for soundtracks that encourage focus and productivity.  Unless your office windows open to a mountain stream, you’re working amidst more noise pollution than you realize.  If you’re like me, even a quiet room is distracting, giving my mind a little too much room to play.  Here are some suggestions for sounds to help focus you while you work.  Do you routinely listen to something specific to help you focus?  Have additional app suggestions? Please add to the list in the comments! 

1. Coffitivity

A week ago I was in a position where I had to get some work done with some snoring within earshot. After powering through for about 15 minutes, I remembered Coffitivity! Of all the options for drowning out sound and focusing, this was the one I ran to. Have you ever abandoned your office for a nearby cafe?  Turns out that it may have been more than a caffeine hit you were craving.  Just open coffitivity.com to immerse yourself in the comforting hum of a coffee shop. No account required. 

2. Yo-Yo Ma’s Cello Solos

One of my clients once described Yo-Yo Ma’s cello solos as "Ritalin for your ears.”  I’m listening to it as I write this and I can see why.  YouTube is a bottomless pit of Yo-Yo Ma, so start here for a solid 2 hours of auditory Ritalin. (Also, I think this Debussy piano solo mix is just as lovely.)

3. Noisli

Noisli.com is a background noise generator, allowing you to DJ mix your own blend of calming background sounds such as a crackling fire, forest critters, thunderstorms, and more.  They also have pre-mixed house blends for relaxation or productivity.  Noisli is free. The paid account is required to save custom mixes or add a timer option.  

4. Just play the same song over and over again

Chase Reeves, once shared a technique that I’m not willing to try because I think it would drive me mad, but I do understand how it works wonders for some: play the same song over and over again. 

5. Classical Indian Flute

If you can endure the distraction of craving a plate at the nearest Indian buffet, fill your office with the sweet and savory sound of classical Indian flute instrumentals. I do. Oh, this is some of my most favorite music in the world. A quick YouTube search for musician Hariprasad Chaurasia will take you there.  Start here.

6. Focus At Will

For those of you who need music that’s been scientifically proven to increase attention span and concentration, try steaming music service Focus at Will. Focus at Will was developed by a team comprised of an ADHD expert, UCLA professor, and neuroscientist. Access their scientifically remastered library of instrumental music at focusatwilll.com.   

7. Your Music Player

Streaming services such as Apple Music, Spotify, and Pandora have tons of playlists/stations for productivity. You can probably see that I like a mellow mood when I'm working, but if you need something more energetic and upbeat, there's bound to be a lot in your music player waiting for you.

Have an app or soundtrack that you use to focus while you work?  Please share in the comments!


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