Productivity Becky Linot Productivity Becky Linot

4 myths about to-do lists that are holding you back

To-do lists are emotional little things. They are so much more than meets the eye - and you know this by how they make you feel when they get messy, scribbled-on, tattered, or lost. I've noticed that my clients have a lot of gunk in their heads about what a to-do list should look like, as well as excuses for why theirs a crazy-maker.

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Productivity Becky Linot Productivity Becky Linot

3 ways to get more done with a shorter to-do list

People work off of lists that are WAY too long. Now wonder when you sit down with a few precious minutes or hours, you get scrambled, stressed, and turn to the fast tasks with little reward. The big, satisfying, lucrative tasks that make you proud of yourself and move you forward get lost and don’t get done.

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