Motivation, Productivity Becky Linot Motivation, Productivity Becky Linot

One year in, we’re still using these printable calendar pages to track a good habit

Given that when printing my set of 2019 workout calendars I realized I was a solid year into a new tracking habit, I thought it was a good time to share again how I use these simple pages. Last January Nic and I started posting the current month’s blank calendar on the fridge to track how often we were working out.

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Motivation Kacy Paide Motivation Kacy Paide

Use This Old Fashioned Technique to Track Your Healthy Habits

I’ve experimented quite successfully with habit tracker apps in the past such as Good Habits, then drifted away from them either because I just couldn’t get on board (lights out by 11pm) or the habit became so ingrained that I no longer needed to track it (meditation). As of January 1st, I seem to be making good use of an old fashioned paper calendar to track workouts.

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Motivation Kacy Paide Motivation Kacy Paide

Making over my client's goal list

If we’re not already making an effort to practice positive thinking, we certainly are aware of the benefits.  I’m not here to go into the depths of why this works, or to explain how feelings create actions that create results, but rather to show specifically how to apply this to living a beautiful life.

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